All Oak Valley residents must have a properly working and registered Septic System in order to reside in Oak Valley, Texas. Failure to go through the proper channels to obtain a legal septic system permit may result in up to a $200 fine per day until a permit is issued or the resident vacates the premises.
Listed below are the requirements that are set and overseen by Navarro County Planning and Zoning Department.
1) Obtain an application from the permitting office (address at top of page).
2) Have appropriate approved individual(s) perform mandatory soil identification procedure. Size and type of the
OSSF shall be based on the soil/site conditions and proposed water usage rate.
Class 4 soils are restricted to utilizing non-standard systems:
a) Approved Class 1 Aerobic Units.
b) Evapotranspiration Beds.
c) Low Pressure Dosing.
d) Other Texas Commission on Environmental Quality approved OSSF.
e) Minimum lot size shall be 1 acre (variance may be considered on case by case basis).
3) Have appropriate approved individual(s) prepare planning materials.
(A Registered Sanitarian or Professional Engineer is required for proprietary and non-standard systems.)
NOTE: A courtesy list of OSSF Site Evaluators, Designers and Installers can be provided upon request. To locate an Installer in your area you may also visit TCEQ’s web site at:
4) Submit the completed application including a verified 911 site address and all technical information (in
property owner’s name) with all pages intact. Include the appropriate fee and the following original documents:
A. Planning materials
B. Site and soil evaluation
C. Accurate directions to the site must also be included
D. Any request for an exception or variance to the rules shall be prepared by a Professional Engineer or
Registered Sanitarian, notarized, and submitted with proposed application.
5) Plans and Application received by mail will be reviewed within 10 working days of submission date.
6) Appointments for plan review must be scheduled and confirmed 24 hours in advance.
A. Plan review requires approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour each.
B. Scheduled review times will be 9:00 am to 11:00 am and 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm.
7) Application and/or planning material deficiencies shall result in a written letter of denial from the Authorized Agent, issued to the home owner and all individuals pertinent to the approval process.
8) Upon approval, an Authorization to Construct will be issued.
Authorization to Construct may be valid for one year from date of issuance, pending;
A. No habitable structure has been placed on the property (authorization will be valid for 30 days)
B. Property poses no threat or harm to public safety
9) Begin construction of system. Do not cover system until approved. When system is installed and ready for
inspection, contact the appropriate Designated Representative and arrange for an inspection in advance. The
inspection will be conducted as arranged.
10) Upon approval, the system may be covered and a Notice of Approval will be issued to the property owner.
11) Surface irrigation systems require a certified copy of an affidavit which has been duly recorded at the Navarro
County Clerk’s office and filed in reference to the real property deed attesting to the existence of the system on
the property. Aerobic systems shall be covered by a continuous service policy for the first two years. After the
initial two-year service policy, the owner of an aerobic treatment system for a single family residence shall either
obtain a maintenance contract within 30 days or maintain the system personally.
NOTE: A fee of one half the permit amount will be charged to the installer for each required re-inspection due
to improper or incomplete installation. Fees must be paid before a permit to operate will be issued.
REVISED: 04-26-2017